Friday, 2 May 2008

Versioning the Web

for (web=1; ; ) web++;

Those of us who have ever fixed a bug or released a patch will know the pain that is caused if you don't version your code.
It seems that the strange creatures who didn't spend all night playing Attic attack on their speccy have caught on to versions. But somehow they have made it more glamorous. Whilst trying showcase the achievements that Atos has made with web 2 products we are already talking about web 3. Whats it all about? Which version web means what?
In my nerdy engineers way I think about it like this
  • Web version 1.x is a read only web
  • Web version 2.x is a read write web
  • Web version 3.x I can read, I can write, I change the folders!
Putting my metaphor aside what is web 3? The best place to look is the wikipedia which has a great definition. The person most responsible for giving us web 2 is Eric Schmidt of google, he says that both web2 and web3 are marketing terms. This fits in with my engineers view on the world you should only increment the architecture number if you have a brand new solution( [product name].[architecture #].[feature #].[build #]). My guess is that we are around web.1.10.x. I think web 3 definitely sounds more fun!

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Elliott - a little more

London, United Kingdom
I am an architect with shed loads of familiarity in providing high profile consumer media, products and services. I conceive ideas, design and lead projects to create new consumer products. I love brainstorming ideas with marketing counterparts and creating future facing and innovative solutions. I have been responsible for high volume mass consumer market features where scale, reliability and the ability to quickly respond are of crucial importance.