Friday, 14 November 2008

Media mEdia meDia medIa mediA

I recently attended the mediatech 100 event at the Russel hotel.

From what I gather the economic down turn is going to actually benefit the media businesses as evidence from the previous recessions indicate that reduced spending money, causes consumers to stay at home …. and spend more money on media consumption!

The VC’s and business angels are especially backing games, virtual worlds and mobile applications that have micro-transaction engines.

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Elliott - a little more

London, United Kingdom
I am an architect with shed loads of familiarity in providing high profile consumer media, products and services. I conceive ideas, design and lead projects to create new consumer products. I love brainstorming ideas with marketing counterparts and creating future facing and innovative solutions. I have been responsible for high volume mass consumer market features where scale, reliability and the ability to quickly respond are of crucial importance.