Wednesday, 21 May 2008

The environments and architecture needed to run and develop a consumer focusing web site

The main goal of a consumer facing website is to create a fun, engaging online experience that helps your consumers interact with your product. This is a challenge for people who have come from the business world. The three questions that you need to ask yourself when considering how you make good consumer focused web site are

  • What is the structure of the production environment?

  • What environments do I need to enable change?

  • Who will be using each environment?

This diagram shows what I feel is a good set of environments for a basic site.

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Elliott - a little more

London, United Kingdom
I am an architect with shed loads of familiarity in providing high profile consumer media, products and services. I conceive ideas, design and lead projects to create new consumer products. I love brainstorming ideas with marketing counterparts and creating future facing and innovative solutions. I have been responsible for high volume mass consumer market features where scale, reliability and the ability to quickly respond are of crucial importance.